

i loveee sundays =D
i dunno whyy thoughh.
there's just something about having a day where you dont have to learn anything, just like... ebrace the moment and do whatever =]

i go to church with the family in the morning you see =D
and that really raises my spirits xD
i lovee itt.
its so like... free. =D
i just really like releasing my heart out to God.
i mean. i can do that anywhere, but its kinda hard to since i live with my mum and dad and sister xD
im only 13 you see.

I think alot.
sometimes, actually most of the time.. im like visualising different scenarios xD
its actually pretty fun.
but then.. i start wishing it would happen.
and it doesnt.
thats the bad thing about hope xD
but you need expectations =D
you can't stop thinking about what will happen in the future =D

blahh two more weeks of school xD
and then the HOLIDAYSSSS =D
hopefully i can go to the royal easter show >=]
that'd be heaps of funn.
and then.. i think i might be babysitting.. AND ACTUAL BABY 0-O
LOLL. normally i babysit like toddlers.
xD anywayy.
im also trying to plan other stuffs.
hopefully it wont be boring
im gnna buy makeup >=]
and im gnna learn how to put it on properly HAHAH.
i can like. sorta do it. messily.
but i can keep practicing =D
i dont think my parents would mind.
i need the practice =D
to get the lines straight and all HAHAHAHA.

i think this post is really long.
i normally have nothing to tlak about 0-o
its really weird.
anywayy. im really hoping that i can like, get the spirit of God on me,
so i can share it to all my friends at school =D
that'd be so awesomee.
so WATCH OUT jane and judy if you're reading >=]
hahahaha. im only saying jane and judy coz they're the only ones that write something on blogger xD
i must recruit!!!!!!!!!!




i couldnt breathe half the time xD
but before i tell you, you'll probably think im some huge idiot.

before we went into the classroom, soozy was telling us about something
she was like one of my friends was like to someone else 'hey you have brown tips!' and then the someone else was like 'brown tits?' and then im like ............ 'doesnt everyone have brown tits?'
she was the one who brought it up
and the way she said it was like that girl didnt know that everyone had brown tits. ==

and then and thenn.
when we were cutting our material, we were all like.
sorta silent
and hainke [caitlyn] goes "KACHOWWWWW"
made me laugh sooooooo hard xD

but you see.
i laugh at everything.
so. yepps.
thats me xD hahahahah

well yeahh.
the teacher's really nice,
cept she got a bit annoyed xD hahahha.
she was like "NO HAPPINESS!!!"
and we all started laughing again xD
but she's awesomee.

yeahh life is good so far.
I AM successfully trying to not like anyone =]
its workingg
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =D
but then when people start liking you ==
well its them who has to suffer =D
not youu i guess xD




I was gnna write beforee.
but like. i knew no one would read it so i didn't botherr.
but yeahh
i figured since so much is happening in my life i would write =D
and then when im older i'll remember it one day and read all that's happened.

I've been so busy the past week
its like. assignment time xD
its always at the end of the term when everything happens.
its so fustrating >=[
im still aiming to get everything done earlier though.
there's always a next time. most of the time.
hahahahha xD

well yeahh. i've finally given up on liking guys.
i mean, i know i have no chance,
and i know i'm not exactly ready for a gf anywayys.
so like. ill just leave it for now.
im only in year 9. and im not desperate HAHAHA.
imagine if i was. id be such a sad case xD

omgoshhh im scared.
i did a speech in english
and i got to the next stage of like interclass thingy.
loll xD
its like, when you compete against different classes.
i remember when i did i before, i was sooooooooo nervous.
i stuffed up so much.
but i think im more confident now i guess.
im not as nervous xD
most probably because i know more people in the school,
and i must admit, my self esteem has rised a bit.

as i said before, i realised you don't have to be up yourself to be confident.
it made me so happy to figure that out =D

But yeahh.
life's been good.
God's been good.
I just have to get past all these assignments xD
i think i have like 1 left
hahahahaa. =D
im so excited hahahahahaha.

i forgot. my sister's cruise was last saturday! =D
it was all fancy and stuff
and this guy tried to dance with me HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
i was like.
... no.
xD im so mean. BUT IM SERIOUS. he was really bad.
he looked like the lanky man from elmo's world xD
he was THAT bad.
but it was fun
we did some dancing and then we sat outside
and watched the world go by
it was really cold, but you sorta got used to it XD

so much fun xD
i gotta figure out what im gnna do for MY bday 0-o
